Blog by Toby Welch

Living With the Stress of Being Creative

October 27th, 2019
                                  People in most professions are told to write to relieve their stress. They take journal writing classes, jot down their thoughts and feelings, and keep stress diaries. A 2008 U.S. study proved that cancer patients who write down their deepest fears may improve their quality of life. But for writers, the act of putting pen to paper can be a stress itself, not ...

How to Excel as a Writer

October 20th, 2019
Publishing professional, Edie Melson, shared her fabulous tips for how to excel as a writer in a blog post on The Write Conversation: “1. Embrace my creativity. One of the things that happens with my mind is that it’s always coming up with new ideas. Instead of shutting out these ideas, I keep a list. Now, I never lack for a blog post topic or article idea. 2. Work in small bites of time. I ...

Editors on Writer’s CVs

October 12th, 2019
Magazine editors share their thoughts on writer's CVs:Jim Adair, editor of REM - The Real Estate Magazine - “I’ll take a look at a CV because I’m interested in the writer’s background and qualifications to write the story, but the query is what’s important. Most of the pitches I receive do not include a detailed CV.” Adair shares what he is most interested in seeing when he receives a CV, “I ...

What Can You Do With Your Writer’s CV?

October 6th, 2019
CVs are useful for much more than just pitching article ideas to editors. They can be included in anything writing related such as: - approaching literary agents - pitching publishers - applying for an award - applying for a workshop position - requesting a grant - funding applications - calls for applications - bids for writing jobs - ghost writing appeals As you go about your writ ...