Blog by Toby Welch

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Gifts and Cards for Editors

For years I have sent birthday and Christmas cards to my half-dozen favorite editors; I find birthday cards are especially appreciated. By asking an assistant editor or someone else on the staff when the editor’s birthday is, the card will be an extra-special surprise. If you can do a little digging and find out what the editor is interested in, your editor will be really surprised! I once sent a Harley Davidson themed birthday card to an editor who loves Harley’s and I assure you that has paid off over the years.
For editors you do a fair bit of work with, gifts are often appreciated. Popular choices include food items, office supplies, and coffee shop gift cards. While you can send a gift for the holidays, consider a gift for promotions, the anniversary of your work acceptance, or the editor’s anniversary of starting work with their current magazine or publishing house. Avoid sending gifts for no reason - that borders on the stalking thing you want to avoid.
Megan McMorris, a past magazine editor in New York City, shared her thoughts on this topic, “Even small personal gestures can help cement a business relationship. For example, many writers send holiday greeting cards. A few send gifts to their favorite editors.”
Consider these small acts of consideration a part of your writing repertoire.