Blog by Toby Welch

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Top 10 Excuses for Not Writing

Writers who avoid writing have the lamest excuses:

“Not enough time.” This one is so pathetic. People have time to watch brain sucking TV shows or putter away hours at the mall or on the golf course but they don’t have time to write. This is a case of choosing different priorities, not about not having enough time.

“Nowhere to write.” Again, lame. People who really want to write don’t wait for the perfect environment, they write wherever they are.

“The kids are always underfoot.” Swap children with a neighbour or enlist help to get a few minutes here or there. Others make it work, so can you.

“I get bored with my ideas before I get to the end.” If that’s the case, skip novel writing for now and write poems or short stories. Until you develop the ability to see projects through to the end, write something that you don’t whine you won’t be able to finish.

“I have writer’s block.” Writer’s block, schmiter’s block. Nike said it best - just do it!

“Someone will steal my ideas.” Trust me - whatever idea you are pondering has already been written about. But you have the ability to cover the idea in your own unique way.

“My muse has vanished.” Don’t wait for the muse to find you. Hunt her down, tie her up, throw her over your shoulder, and take her home with you.

“I’m too tired to write after a long day at work and family obligations.” We’re all tired. We’re all overloaded. Suck it up. If you really want to be a writer, you’ll break through the fatigue and write.

“The research never ends.” Sure it does, you just choose to continue researching so you don’t have to move onto the harder part - actually writing.

“I don’t have proper writing tools.” So you don’t have the latest laptop or netbook? Write on a pad with a pencil or pen like the past literary greats did and then type it up on the library computer.

Don’t let lame excuses hold you back!